Best Killing Weeds (A Peggy Lee Garden Mystery ) (Volume 8)
Now you can Read Killing Weeds (A Peggy Lee Garden Mystery ) (Volume 8) with detailed description:It’s spring in Charlotte, North Carolina, home of forensic botanist and garden shop owner, Peggy Lee. This spring has been beautiful, as always, with flowering trees and blue skies. But a killer is on the loose, and seems determined to destroy everyone and everything she cares about. When her garden shop, the Potting Shed, is brutally vandalized, Peggy doesn’t realize that it is only the beginning. Her son, Paul, who has been moonlighting as a private detective to investigate the death of his father, John Lee, is suspected of murder when a mink coat lined with poison kills the woman who is wearing it. Peggy identifies the particularly deadly blend of botanical poisons in the coat. Unfortunately, her work as a specialist with plant poisons makes Paul even more interesting to the police. When attacks against her and her family continue, Peggy must go back through her years of sleuthing to finger the person responsible . . . before it’s too late.
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