
Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

The Grecian Manifesto

The Grecian Manifesto

Now you can The Grecian Manifesto with detailed description:

A MYSTERIOUS KIDNAPPING AN ANCIENT DEVICE THAT TELLS THE FUTURE AND A PLOT THAT WILL BRING EUROPE TO ITS KNEES What would you do if the person you loved the most, vanished? When the Secret Service show up to escort Sean Wyatt to a private meeting with the President of the United States, Sean has to ask himself that very question. Sean's girlfriend, the mysterious Adriana Villa has disappeared while in Italy searching for the fabled Eye of Zeus, an ancient device that is rumored to have the power to tell the future. Sean and his best friend Tommy Schultz team up to retrace Adriana's steps in hopes of finding the relic and tracking down the kidnappers. Along the way, they uncover more than they bargained for as new information comes to light that super-wealthy Greek businessman, Dimitris Gikas has his sights set on more than just money. If Sean and Tommy can't stop the Grecian, the very foundations of Europe and the rest of the world will fall beneath the evil man's plot. This story is the first in the continuing saga of Sean Wyatt and friends after their historic discoveries in The Lost Chambers Trilogy.


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